by admin | Aug 8, 2018
NATUR PARK SÜDGELÄNDE | nurture-nature Filmed: May 3, 2018 Location: Natur Park Südgelände ABOUT THE VIDEO I had passed by this park many times on my bike without realizing it. The entrance to Natur Park Südgelände is tucked away on the east side of the S-Bahn...
by admin | Jul 31, 2018
FREILUFT KINO | open air cinema Filmed: July, 2018 Location: Kreuzberg, Volkspark Friedrichshain, Volkspark Rehberge And if you go to Freiluftkino Kreuzberg, check out this video for tips on how to set-up your lounge chair. ABOUT THE VIDEO My first summer in...
by admin | Jul 31, 2018
VOLKSPARK FREIDIRCHSHAIN | clean up Filmed: July 8, 2018 Location: Volkspark Friedrichshain ABOUT THE VIDEO Volkspark Friedrichshain was the first “People’s Park” in Berlin. It was completed in 1848 as a park, as opposed to a garden, made as a...
by admin | Jul 17, 2018
LEISE PARK | quiet park Filmed: July, 2018Location: Leise Park, Prenzlauer Berg ABOUT THE VIDEO Leise Park is an oasis of overgrown trees and semi-private compartments where you can find benches, play structures, hammocks and a variety of plants. On the day I...
by admin | May 24, 2018
TIERGARTEN | spring blossoms Filmed: April, 2018 Location: TIergarten, Mitte Conversation: Tobias Graf, recorded in Victoria Park, in September 2017 ABOUT THE VIDEO In April 2018 I set out to Tiergarten to film statues for a project PUBLIC FIGURES which I...
by admin | Apr 19, 2018
WEISSENSEE | on ice Filmed: March 1, 2018 Location: Weißensee, Pankow ABOUT THE VIDEO Most winters there are at least a few days in Berlin when the lakes freeze over. This brings out people of all ages who find time to enjoy the ice. On this sunny Thursday...
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