by admin | Sep 19, 2019
VOLKSPARK REHBERGE | openings Filmed: September 14, 2018 Location: Volkspark Rehberge, Wedding ABOUT THE VIDEO The Volksparks, or People’s Parks of Berlin, were designed in the 1840s at the tail end of a series of political revolutions against monarchies from...
by admin | Jan 27, 2019
TRÄUMEN VON EINEM BESSEREN ORT |dreaming of a better place Filmed: July 2018 Location: Fennfuhl, Orankesee, Obersee, Lichtenberg ABOUT THE VIDEO In the summer of 2018, as political opposition to immigration flared up in several cities in Saxon and southern...
by admin | Nov 16, 2018
STADTWILD | wild city animals Interview Recorded: June 2018 Filmed: 2017-2018 Locations: Around Berlin ABOUT THE VIDEO Early in my research on the parks of Berlin, I learned about the wild boars. I dreamed of seeing these boars in the wild and took trips to the...
by admin | Nov 1, 2018
TEMPELHOF FELD | tempelhof airport Filmed: July 15, 2018 Location: Tempelhof Feld ABOUT THE VIDEO Part of what I enjoy about this project is getting a window into other points of view. When I visit Tempelhof Feld I see the openness and emptiness. Because I grew...
by admin | Oct 24, 2018
STEGLITZ ENCOUNTERS | the people Klicken Sie auf die Fotos unten, um durch die Galerie zu blättern | Click the photos below to scroll through the gallery Photos by Gundula Friese Photographed: July, 2018Location: Lilienthal Park, Stadtpark Steglitz Über die...
by admin | Oct 24, 2018
DIE LUST AM FLIEGEN | the desire to fly Filmed: July 2018 Location: Lilienthal Park & Steglitz Park ABOUT THE VIDEO This summer we biked to the southern edge of Berlin, Gundula with her medium format analog camera and me with my shotgun microphone, sound...
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