TEGELER SEE | dadaist hannah höch

Filmed: September 29, 2018
Location: Tegeler See, Reinickendorf



Back in 2018, I started researching how women are represented in monuments in Berlin. The Dadaist artist, Hannah Höch is one of eight women who have a monument in Berlin. Of the protected monuments, 72 are for men and only three are for women.

Hannah Höch’s monument is one of the protected. She is in good company with artist Käthe Kollwitz and Queen Luise of Prussia. I love the fact that Höch’s monument is on a pedestal that raises her work’s wings high into the sky.

Her monument is somewhat hidden, but it is near the home she retreated to after she became one of the many artists denounced by the Nazi regime.

You can visit her home which is North of Tegeler See and now a cultural heritage site. Learn More.

READ MORE about the public figures of Berlin here, 11 THINGS I LEARNED PT 3, PUBLIC FIGURES.


Hannah Hoch Monument

Boat Dock