11 Things I Learned Spending a Year in Berlin Parks
During my first year in
A Silent Companion.
The parks, and especially the wild parks, were like a silent companion. Somehow the knowledge that they were there, that I could slip in for moments of quiet or connection if I needed it made me feel less alone. I didn’t have to enter, I could just pass by and that would be enough.

The Journey
As a result, I decided to visit one park every week. I focused on variety and visiting all the districts of Berlin.
I wanted to record moments, realizing there was no way to capture the entirety of a place.
The Moments
I prepared to enter the park open to listen, observe, and be inspired. My camera followed my curiosity – wind moving through the trees, children rolling down sand dunes, ducks defending their territory.
I sat down with friends and Berliners and stood with strangers as I asked them about what the parks mean to them, questions of history, community, the future, their dreams.

A Year of Listening
I’ve found that parks in Berlin are places for connection, conversation, community, reflection, discovery, celebration, play, collective memory, political narratives.