by admin | Oct 18, 2019
VOLKSPARK SCHÖNHOLZER HEIDE | history repeats Filmed: October 12, 2019 Location: Volkspark Schönholzer Heide, Pankow ABOUT THE VIDEO In the 1750s this land was called the Queen Plantation, as it was owned by the nearby castle then occupied by the exiled Queen...
by admin | Sep 19, 2019
VOLKSPARK REHBERGE | openings Filmed: September 14, 2018 Location: Volkspark Rehberge, Wedding ABOUT THE VIDEO The Volksparks, or People’s Parks of Berlin, were designed in the 1840s at the tail end of a series of political revolutions against monarchies from...
by admin | Jan 13, 2019
TEGELER FORST | tegel forest bath Filmed: September 29, 2018 Location: Tegel Forest, Reinickendorf ABOUT THE VIDEO North of Tegel airport there is a large forest, called Tegeler Forst in German. Biking through the area, there are parts of the forest that feel...
by admin | Dec 17, 2018
SPANDAUER FORST | fall forest bath Filmed: November 11, 2018 Location: Spandauer Forest ABOUT THE VIDEO In November 2018 I went to Spandauer Forest on the northwestern edge of Berlin to film another forest bath. I was searching for a path that I biked on two...
by admin | Oct 10, 2018
EKENSUNDER PARK | trampolines Filmed: October 2018Location: Ekensunder Park, Lichtenfelde ABOUT THE VIDEO At the end of my bike ride following the southern part of the former Berlin Wall I was biking to my next destination when I noticed this rather large...
by admin | Sep 10, 2018
LEOPOLDPLATZ | trampolines Filmed: September 2018 Location: Leopoldplatz, Wedding ABOUT THE VIDEO Rarely does one find just one trampoline in Berlin but here at Leopoldplatz there is one round trampoline just outside of the playground. Passersby can stop and...
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