PANKE WEG | following the river

Filmed: July 7, 2018
Location: Panke Weg, Wedding to S-Bahn Buch



The Panke river runs from Brandenburg, north of Berlin into the area of Wedding. Along the way, it comes in and out of view as it skirts the train line and disappears under roads. The trail can be mysterious the first time you ride it as it switches sides as you cross the road and disappears completely as the route approaches the highway.

You’ll find places to rest, parks, cafes, animals, small lakes and open fields.

When filming I stopped at S-Bahn Buch, where you can catch the train back into town. However, the trail goes as far as Bernau bei Berlin where you can catch the train back to the city from Bernau Bahnhof.

The Panke runs 18 miles/ 28 km. Here is a link to the Panke Weg Bike Route.

The Berlin created a walking map which includes the Panke and continues south to Park am Gleisdreieck, for a total of 45 km. You can see the route here: Berlin Senate North-South Walk.

Panke Weg Start [Gerichtstraße]

Panke Weg End [S-Bahn Buch]